Amazing New Balloon Sculptures of Animals and Insects by Masayoshi Matsumoto

Forget your run-of-the-mill cutesy balloon dogs and crowns twisted at kids birthday parties, Japanese artist Masayoshi Matsumoto (previously) elevates the inflated craft of balloon animals to an entirely different level. The Japanese artist uses a multitude of balloon colors and shapes to sculpt

Source: Amazing New Balloon Sculptures of Animals and Insects by Masayoshi Matsumoto | Colossal

Incredible Celebrity Illustrations by Néstor Canavarro

We’ve previous featured a couple artists that create amazing hyper-realistic art. And today we’re taking a closer look at yet another one – Argentinean illustrator/designer Néstor Canavarro. The level of detail in Néstor’s work is simply staggering, just take a look at the pieces below and you’ll understand what I mean.

Source: Incredible Celebrity Illustrations by Néstor Canavarro | From up North

Sculptures That I Created With Hundreds Of Thousands Of Nails

I am a sculptor of the human physique and I use nails to create my sculptures. These artworks take me weeks, sometimes even months to finish and I use thousands of nails.I translate my ideas onto large white wooden panels by hammering the nails at varying heights and distances to create the tone and texture.

Source: Sculptures That I Created With Hundreds Of Thousands Of Nails | Bored Panda

Pirate Printers Use Manhole Covers To Create Unique T-Shirt And Bag Designs

Pirate Printers use manhole covers, vents, and utility grates to imprint unique patterns on cloth. And that happens not in some workshop but on-site, right there on the streets. The Pirates already visited Amsterdam, Lisbon, Berlin and Paris and made the results available in their online shop.

Source: Pirate Printers Use Manhole Covers To Create Unique T-Shirt And Bag Designs

Self-Taught Artist Discovers Incredible Painting Skills While Taking Care of His Sick Dog

Derbyshire-based painter Darren Reid creates stunning, photorealistic landscapes of serene seascapes, expansive landscapes, and bustling cityscapes. Each work, when looked at closely enough, reveals a layer of acrylic detail that heightens the painting to a hyperrealistic level. A road is not just a road, but a pointillist blend of colors (think Seurat or Pissarro) that fuse together when looked at to play tricks on the viewer’s eye. Reid has mastered a strange and awesome technique: how to take impressionist skills and turn them into reality. His paintings, often of stark country houses or gritty industrial pavements, reinvent what it means to look at the world. He shows us there is more than meets the eye at first glance. Despite his keen eye and skilled hand, Reid picked up his paintbrush later in life, as a means of distraction. In 2011, his dog became ill, which left Reid housebound much of the time. In between giving his dog insulin injections every eight hours for the next two…

Source: Self-Taught Artist Discovers Incredible Painting Skills While Taking Care of His Sick Dog – My Modern Met

Self-Taught Artist Shares Stunning Process Behind Her Remarkable Paintings and Drawings

Self-taught artist Andreea Berindei has honed her painting and drawing skills to an extraordinary level. A passionate artist, she first began to paint at a very early age and cites the source of her creativity to rest in her faith and unwavering dedication to her spirituality. Born in Romania, the young Berindei has received multiple awards for her remarkable pieces, and for years has used her talent to spread positivity through her involvement in the Peace Project, an organization that seeks to render social change by mobilizing the creative community.Delicate and vibrant shading work imbues Berindei’s colorful drawings and paintings with a realistic quality that speaks volumes to her artistic abilities. As the nature and material of her work varies over time, Berindei continuously proves that she is equally talented, no matter the subject matter. Landscape drawings of powerful cresting waves are just as well done as the fine veins snaking through the petals of her flower paintings,…

Source: Self-Taught Artist Shares Stunning Process Behind Her Remarkable Paintings and Drawings – My Modern Met

Majestic Animal Illustrations Hand Drawn with Intricately Hypnotizing Patterns

UK-based artist Faye Halliday creates art that’s inspired by a combination of her travels, her attempts to inspire love, creativity, and adventure in others, and her desire to understand and capture beauty. She uses ink and intricate patterns to create elaborate portraits of animals and symbols. “I’ve always been inspired by beauty. Never on a superficial level, but more so as a concept; an interpretation and what it means to different people.”Halliday calls the journey of her art Haathi, which came about during her experience at The Elephant Festival in Jaipur, Rajasthan. For this single day of the year, elephant owners celebrate and embellish the beautiful creatures with vibrant colored scarves, headdresses, saddle cloth, and heavy jewelry while people perched atop sprinkle colored powder. After the Festival, she was compelled to explore the concept and perceptions of beauty around the world.Halliday declares that her works of art are her visions of beauty, soul, and…

Source: Majestic Animal Illustrations Hand Drawn with Intricately Hypnotizing Patterns – My Modern Met

The Side Project Accelerator | Hacking UI

An 8-week, online program, starting July 25th that will teach you how to build your personal brand, launch your side project, and earn passive income. After working on our side project for the past two and a half years, we were able to quit our jobs and do it full time. Now it’s your turn, and we’ll help you get there! “If you don’t build your dream, someone else will hire you to build theirs.” – Tony A. Gaskins So how do I get started? We believe that the first thing you have to do is build your personal brand. No matter what your side project idea is, if you don’t have an audience that wants to use it, it won’t be successful. Don’t believe us? Think about your idea and how you would launch it. Now think about if Jack Dorsey were to launch the same exact idea. Who would be more successful? We put together a free 4-part email series that will get you started with building your brand and gathering an audience. In this course we will teach you how to write and publish an effective,

Source: The Side Project Accelerator | Hacking UI