
Baubauhaus is here to feed your daily need of design, illustration, photography, fashion and of all else art-related. Our goal is to visually inspire and entertain by promoting great content. It can be anything from your bookmark of images made by others (us), a trend, you – we call it Baubauhaus.

Source: Baubauhaus.

A Short Film Detailing the Miniature Replication of Nix + Gerber’s Post-Apocalyptic Studio

Since 2005, artist Lori Nix and partner Kathleen Gerber have been producing dioramas that depict post-apocalyptic environments, everyday scenes that give the audience a glimpse of their world once nature has been left to take over. Nearly everything within the scenes is fabricated by the two und

Source: A Short Film Detailing the Miniature Replication of Nix + Gerber’s Post-Apocalyptic Studio | Colossal

Amsterdam’s new 3D-printed steel bridge is revolutionizing the building industry

The goal behind the experimental 3D-printing project is the eventual creation of an automatic construction site. According to Jan van de Ven, Heijmans’ Manager of Business Development, an…

Source: Amsterdam’s new 3D-printed steel bridge is revolutionizing the building industry | Inhabitat – Green Design, Innovation, Architecture, Green Building

HP | Magic Words

Só no Brasil, ainda existem mais de 13 milhões de analfabetos. Viajamos o país inteiro atrás dessas pessoas e suas histórias e imprimimos, uma a uma, por comando de voz, em tempo real. Como mágica. Foram 4.500 páginas, que renderam uma tiragem de 25 livros. Tudo isso, com apenas uma multifuncional HP e o kit de cartuchos de ultra rendimento que vem na caixa da impressora.

Source: HP | Magic Words