Disney Princesses Reveal Their Dark Sides In Creepy Illustrations By Jeffrey Thomas

The princesses that star in Disney’s classic movies inhabit beautiful fantasy worlds, but it apparently doesn’t take much to turn these into dark, nightmarish realms. Jeffrey Thomas, a cartoon artist and character designer in California, reimagines what our favorite Disney heroines would look like if their worlds were a whole lot darker and creepier.

Source: Disney Princesses Reveal Their Dark Sides In Creepy Illustrations By Jeffrey Thomas | Bored Panda

Guy Proposes Using Custom-Made Monopoly Board With Secret Compartment

Justin Lebon proposed to his girlfriend Michal Ott on Christmas morning 2014 in an unusual way. Unbeknownst to Ott, Lebon had hired wood-worker Mark Becker to help him design a custom Monopoly board with personalized locations, a special Chance card, loaded dice, and a secret compartment with a ring.

Source: Guy Proposes Using Custom-Made Monopoly Board With Secret Compartment | Bored Panda

Enchanting New Light Box Dioramas by Hari & Deepti Tell Stories of Exploration, Travel and Adventure 

It’s been over a year since we last checked in with artist duo Deepti Nair and Harikrishnan Panickerof Hari & Deepti, who construct elegant cut paper dioramas inside backlit light boxes. The medium is perfect for depicting the depth of thick forests, pools of water, or subterranean caves

Source: Enchanting New Light Box Dioramas by Hari & Deepti Tell Stories of Exploration, Travel and Adventure | Colossal

25 Free Stock Video Sources For Your Homepage Background

Looping video background on the front page is quickly becoming popular. With top sites like Airbnb, PayPal following the trend; demand for looped and time-lapse video are high in demand. One question we get asked quite often by our users is, Where can I find free, good quality videos to use on my website? The answer […]

Source: 25 Free Stock Video Sources For Your Homepage Background

Illustrator Adds Funny Cartoons To Strangers’ Instagram Photos (Part 2) 

Lucas Levitan is a Brazilian multimedia artist that created the fabulous iPhone app Photo Invasion that allows people to add cute and funny cartoon characters into their Instagram pics. Being an illustrator himself, Lucas also invites people to submit their photos and get them invaded by Lucas. It’s really fun to see the product of his imagination whether those are the photos modified by him or by his app Photo Invasion.

Source: Illustrator Adds Funny Cartoons To Strangers’ Instagram Photos (Part 2) | Bored Panda