Beautiful LEGO: Wild!, a New Book Exploring Natural Brick Wonders

LEGO-based artist, author, and curator Mike Doyle (previously here and here) has collected another impressive set of LEGO masterpieces in his lastest book Beautiful LEGO: Wild! by No Starch Press, a book that explores natural wonders from undersea landscapes to a family of sea otters produced fr

Source: Beautiful LEGO: Wild!, a New Book Exploring Natural Brick Wonders | Colossal

TechTrends 2016 | frog

Screenshot at Dec 23 15-55-48With the start of a new year, the exciting question is: What technology trends will radically transform businesses in 2016 and beyond? At frog we help our clients digitally transform their businesses by identifying emerging technologies and realizing their potential. Here are 15 technology trends driving companies to reinvent themselves.

Source: TechTrends 2016 | frog


Screenshot at Dec 23 14-16-17Fornasetti is an Italian decorative arts company. A whimsical place where craftsmanship meets design, producing timeless handmade creations that inspire imagination and bring beauty to the world.

Source: Fornasetti

Pouring a Thermos of Hot Tea at -40°C Near the Arctic Circle

Ontario-based photographer Michael Davies timed this impressive shot of his friend Markus hurling a thermos of hot tea through the air yesterday in -40°C weather. At such frigid temperatures water freezes instantly to form a dramatic plume of ice. For the last decade Davies has worked as a photogr

Source: Pouring a Thermos of Hot Tea at -40°C Near the Arctic Circle | Colossal

How Clients Get You To Charge Less (And Why You Shouldn’t)

Have you ever walked down the street and heard a stranger whisper to you from a dark alley, “Hey, come here! I have some really low-paying design work to offer you! It’ll make you famous! You can trust me!” So many of us step into those dark alleys again and again because those sketchy strangers in …

Source: How Clients Get You To Charge Less (And Why You Shouldn’t)

Micro Matter: Vertical Dwellings Inside Glass Test Tubes by Rosa de Jong 

For her series Micro Matter, Amsterdam-based designer and art director Rosa de Jong created towering houses and tall buildings inside the narrow confines of large glass test tubes. Perhaps comparable to a ship in bottle, the little houses and buildings are all handmade using natural objects and so

Source: Micro Matter: Vertical Dwellings Inside Glass Test Tubes by Rosa de Jong | Colossal