Unified Design Systems: Making cohesive products in an ever expanding platform ecosystem

unifiedJoin Designer Hangout and Chris Hall, Sr. Manager, User Experience Design at eBay in a conversation about Unified Design Systems.As the Head of eBay’s Human Interface Group, Chris leads – Join Jake’s Crowdcast on Tue Nov 22 2016 7:30 pm EST

Source: Unified Design Systems: Making cohesive products in an ever expanding platform ecosystem – Crowdcast

Artist Vincent Bal Turns the Shadows of Everyday Objects into Ingenious Illustrations

Belgian filmmaker and illustrator Vincent Bal works within the confines of long shadows of everyday objects resting in the sunlight to create a wide range of whimsical doodles. The shadow of a film canister becomes a forbidding tower, or the filaments of a lightbulb cast a dramatic backdrop as a sta

Source: Artist Vincent Bal Turns the Shadows of Everyday Objects into Ingenious Illustrations

Wretched Beauty

The Interactive Showcase Site of Artist, Writer, Realist ‘Lyndsey Belle Tyler’. Inspired by the truth behind the facade and ferociously devoted to the gritty subtext (Even when it’s tough to look at). ‘Who are you being today?’

Source: Wretched Beauty

Fishy Agência Digital

582136ecb6fb4 (1)Agência digital em Recife, Pernambuco, com mais de 9 anos de experiência em planejamento e desenvolvimento de ações de marketing digital para marcas do Brasil e exterior, criando estratégias e gestão de conteúdo em mídias sociais, campanhas de mídia digital, links patrocinados, marketing de busca, inbound marketing, monitoramento de redes sociais, além de criação de sites e hotsites responsivos, e-commerce, games, aplicativos mobile (iOS e Android), games 2D e 3D, realidade virtual, google glass, realidade aumentada, touchscreen e sistemas online personalizados como intranets e extranets. Certificada pelo Google Partner, a Fishy é uma agência digital completa, que une tecnologia, criatividade e inteligência com foco em resultados.

Source: Fishy Agência Digital | marketing digital, sites, aplicativos mobile, redes sociais, mídia digital, links patrocinados, desenvolvimento de jogos, realidade virtual, realidade aumentada | Recife-Pernambuco

Trump Facts

#TrumpFacts will keep you up to date with Donald Trumps latest and greatest facts. Trump Facts gives you the straight truths from Donald Trumps 2016 election campaign. Get your Trump Facts straight with AllTheTrumpFacts.com

Source: Trump Facts


Step inside a forest of all the worlds’ trees. Discover the history of the planet with artist Katie Paterson with Zeller & Moye and their public artwork Hollow.

Source: HOLLOW