What’s Wrong With Today’s Society Captured In 50+ Brutally Honest Illustrations 

It’s no secret that our society has its flaws – dependence on technology, taxes, obesity, devaluation of workers – to name a few. Some people may not even want to think about any these problems but illustrator John Holocraft, on the other hand, he looks them straight in the eye and depicts them in a satirical way.

Source: What’s Wrong With Today’s Society Captured In 50+ Brutally Honest Illustrations | Bored Panda

New Balloon Sculptures Depicting Animals and Insects by Masayoshi Matsumoto 

Masayoshi Matsumoto (previously here and here) doesn’t twist up your average balloon animal creations. Instead, the Japanese artist produces larger than life beetle larva and spider crabs, creating latex masterpieces that blow away the simplistic balloon animals we’ve come to expect. Multi-colored a

Source: New Balloon Sculptures Depicting Animals and Insects by Masayoshi Matsumoto | Colossal


I grew up seeing people motivated by greed and only look out for themselves. I’ve seen others use the people around them for their own benefit. They lose their possessions, their friends, and themselves. If you sacrifice all that you have out of greed is …

Source: Pleonexia on Behance

An Expansive Pavilion of Architectural Elements Constructed from Wire Mesh by Edoardo Tresoldi

As part of a royal event in Abu Dhabi, Italian artist Edoardo Tresoldi (previously) was tasked with the creation an immense environment of architectural elements built from wire. The variety of objects fully encompass the event space, creating elegant partitions and environments within the 7,000 squ

Source: An Expansive Pavilion of Architectural Elements Constructed from Wire Mesh by Edoardo Tresoldi | Colossal

Hidden Numbers

This year I had the privilege to be contacted by the team of 36 Days Of Type to be featured as an invited artist for developing the number 6 of the 2017’s series, which also was part of the recent official exhibition in Barcelona.I always try to make so…

Source: Hidden Numbers on Behance

Photos of Animals Retouched to Look Like Real-Life Minecraft Creatures

Jakarta-based designer and retoucher Aditya Aryanto posed the question: what would the blocky digital creatures in Minecraft look like if they actually walked the Earth? The result is a totally absurd series of retouched photographs titled Minecraft in Real Life. Aryanto snagged several royalty-fre

Source: Photos of Animals Retouched to Look Like Real-Life Minecraft Creatures | Colossal

Expansive Black and White Patterns Mixed With Chrome Color Spectrums in Murals by Felipe Pantone

Argentinian-Spanish artist Felipe Pantone creates public murals that integrate black and white patterns with bright sweeping color spectrums. His tag “Pantone” is an evolution of his original name “Pant” chosen when he was just thirteen, a complete coincidence despite his color-rich works. His mash-

Source: Expansive Black and White Patterns Mixed With Chrome Color Spectrums in Murals by Felipe Pantone | Colossal