An Architectural Study of a Norwegian Cathedral Facade Animated From a Single Photo

Animator Ismael Sanz-Pena has brought the sculptural facade of Nidaros Cathedral in Trondheim, Norway to life through a unique continuous motion animation that uses just one photograph. Sanz-Pena’s pairing of the video with a lively, fast-paced Liberian field recording of chants, cheers, and drummin

Source: An Architectural Study of a Norwegian Cathedral Facade Animated From a Single Photo | Colossal

Geometric Birds and Other Designs Formed From Bright Folded Paper

Istanbul-based paper artist Tayfun Tinmaz left a career in modeling to begin producing paper art designs, a practice of geometric-inspired works he collects under the name Paperpan. To produce each piece he first individually folds several dozen colorful triangles. Next, he fits these discrete parts

Source: Geometric Birds and Other Designs Formed From Bright Folded Paper | Colossal

HKI™ | Knife Game

The Knife Game is an entertaining experience where the goal is to use the knife to stab back and forth between your fingers. Try not to hit and cut any fingers, or else you’ll lose ! Challenge your friends to beat you by sharing your score and experience on Facebook and Twitter.

Source: HKI™ | Knife Game

New Paper Cutouts by ‘Paperboyo’ Turn Landmarks Across the Globe Into Scenes of Temporary Amusement

London-based photographer Rich McCor, or paperboyo (previously) travels across the globe giving creative updates to buildings, bridges, and signs through the use of simple paper cutouts. By placing a black design in the foreground of his image, London’s Tower Bridge is instantly transformed into a l

Source: New Paper Cutouts by ‘Paperboyo’ Turn Landmarks Across the Globe Into Scenes of Temporary Amusement | Colossal

An Exquisite Collection of Paper Pop-Ups Designed by Peter Dahmen

From commercial packaging to artistic creations fused with geometry, paper designer Peter Dahmen is a true master of the pop-up. This new video titled Most Satisfying Video of Pop-Up Cards is a portfolio of sorts spanning the last several years of his work engineering elaborate objects that unfold f

Source: An Exquisite Collection of Paper Pop-Ups Designed by Peter Dahmen | Colossal


The-Artery is a full-service creative studio that specializes in creating content for features films, episodic, and consumer brands across all platforms. We partner with iconic brands, agencies and studios to create design-driven visual effects and original content for VR+AR Experiences, Museum and Art Installations, Feature Films and Commercials. The-Artery also develops Social+ Mobile Campaigns, Innovative Web Design and produces Live Action Content.

Source: The-Artery