Experience the First Music Video in which YOU ARE THE STYLIST by @BrokenBackMusic
Category: general_feed
pq by Ron Arad
The new revolutionary customized frames designed by Ron Arad
Source: pq by Ron Arad
Bullying and Behavior
“Bullying and Behavior” is an independent short film and web piece created by EXIT FILM inc. and Garden Eight. We hope to convey our outlook on human struggle and strength through the theme of bullying.
Source: Bullying and Behavior
UIX – UI & UX Design – Personal Portfolio of Kadir Inan
Personal portfolio of a guy who likes to eat good food and design great experiences.
Source: UIX – UI & UX Design – Personal Portfolio of Kadir Inan
Here’s What’s Happening Outside The Frames Of Famous Music Album Covers
My name is Igor and I live in cold Russia. In between dismantling of an AK-47 assault rifle and training of the home bear, I like to listen to music and when I peer into the cover of the album I find a place for myself there.Half a year ago I published a post how I finish drawing myself near cult covers of musical albums.
Source: Here’s What’s Happening Outside The Frames Of Famous Music Album Covers | Bored Panda
Genesis Noir: Busk ‘Til Dusk
Explore the stars and jazzy rhythms in this prologue for Genesis Noir
Source: Genesis Noir: Busk ‘Til Dusk
Source: GlobIQ
First Look at Nintendo Labo
Julie Bonnemoy
Amsterdam based art director specialized in branding, packaging, retail communication and web design.
Source: Julie Bonnemoy – Portfolio
Weekly Inspiration for Designers #138
Colectivo guacala
2,791 Followers, 1,363 Following, 171 Posts – See Instagram photos and videos from Colectivo guacala (@colectivo_guacala)
Source: Colectivo guacala (@colectivo_guacala) • Instagram photos and videos
GOING FISHING. A Stop motion Animation by Guldies
Agence créative : Studio Ouam
Le studio OUAM est une agence créative basée entre Paris et Bordeaux spécialisée dans l’identité visuelle et la création de marque.
Source: Agence créative : Studio Ouam
UI Interactions of the week #109
ONE LAST BEAT is a homemade interactive* story created by Nerris.
Custom Hand-Knit Sweaters Blend Subjects into Urban Environments
Over the last four years, photographer Joseph Ford (previously) has collaborated with friend and knitter Nina Dodd to create a project that blends models into their environments rather than having them stand out. Each subject wears a custom hand-knit sweater by Dodd that transforms their torso, part
Source: Custom Hand-Knit Sweaters Blend Subjects into Urban Environments | Colossal
Xtian Miller | Designer, Writer, Coder
Waze Advertisers Dashboard
Show your business on the Waze map to reach drivers nearby and daily commuters in your area.
Source: Waze Advertisers Dashboard
I was born in Japan and I’m a programmer living in sunny London now. I always think that I want to create things that make people excited with expression and technology. I want to keep being enthusiastic about craftsmanship and improve myself every day. In digital works that are rapidly developing changing, it is my ultimate goal to create something that at least the next generation of people can be touched by. 日本生まれのプログラマー。現在はロンドン在住。表現と技術で人をワクワクさせられるモノづくりをしたいと常日頃から考えています。クラフトマンシップにこだわり、自分を研鑽していける日々を過ごせたら本望だと個人的には思っており、消費の速いデジタル作品においても長く残るモノ、せめて次の世代の人たちに触れてもらえるモノを作ることが最終目標だったりします。
Source: MASAYUKI DAIJIMA | Programmer
British Designer Liam Hopkins Creates A Full-Sized Cardboard Car For ŠKODA
Family Guy Yourself
Source: Family Guy Yourself
Source: Play.Gusto
@oscarllorensgallery – Illustrator. Allways Drawing
11.9k Followers, 775 Following, 1,847 Posts – See Instagram photos and videos from Illustrator. Allways Drawing (@oscarllorensgallery)
Source: Illustrator. Allways Drawing (@oscarllorensgallery) • Instagram photos and videos
An ecosystem that rewards content creators, moderators, and everyone who positively influences the quality of content on the network. 85% of all revenue is distributed to users.
Source: Narrative
Leviev Group
From design-projects of any complexity to their implementation. We create turnkey interiors: carefully prepare project documentation, conduct building and finishing works and decorate.
Source: Leviev Group
Mort Modern, a typeface in 56 styles
Pixel Art Series from your favorite TV Shows
Dinner for Five.
Source: Dinner for Five.
Milwaukee Digital Agency
Decorative Letter Animations
Weekly Inspiration for Designers #137
The Mockup Club – Best Free Mockups
Source: DDM
Source: ertdfgcvb
UI Interactions of the week #108
Analytica Projects
Source: Analytica Projects
Source: UPDATE on Behance
New Cross-Stitched Domestic Objects by Ulla Stina Wikander
Underneath each of cross-stitch artist Ulla Stina Wikander’s cross-stitched objects is a real, once-functioning appliance, accessory, or tool. Wikander (previously) tends to select objects with traditional associations to domestic life, like sewing machines, ironing boards, and hair dryers. The
Source: New Cross-Stitched Domestic Objects by Ulla Stina Wikander | Colossal
Jonathan Ball
2,490 Followers, 969 Following, 405 Posts – See Instagram photos and videos from Jonathan Ball (@pokedstudio)
Source: Jonathan Ball (@pokedstudio) • Instagram photos and videos
Walk the 90s
Source: Walk the 90s
5 DESIGN BOOKS FOR GRAPHIC DESIGNERS: Dieter Rams, Michael Bierut, Kenya Hara, Hartmut Esslinger
Pop-Inspired Colorful Illustrations
Pharm Phresh
Source: Pharm Phresh
The resourcing machine – Veolia
From Rostock to Singapore, Veolia is resourcing the world – using straw, coffee grounds, olive stones and even old ships! #veolia #lamachinearessourcer
Source: The resourcing machine – Veolia
Social Decay
Source: Social Decay on Behance
Source: Loaded
Weekly Inspiration for Designers #136
Socialclub. Advertising + digital | Agence de publicité à Paris
Socialclub is a creative agency founded by digital born humans.
Source: Socialclub. Advertising + digital | Agence de publicité à Paris
UI Interactions of the week #107
Animal Characters / Plasticine
Muzli choices in design for 2017
Life-Size Cardboard Sculptures of Chinese Villagers Tap Into Artist Warren King’s Ancestral Heritage
Steve Roach | World
Steve Roach is an internationally renowned artist known for exploring myriad sound-worlds that connect with timeless sources of inspiration.
Source: Steve Roach | World
‘Dieter Rams: Ten Principles For Good Design’ by Shuffle
Back in the late 1970s, Dieter Rams was becoming increasingly concerned by the state of the world around him — “an impenetrable confusion of forms, colours and noises.” Aware that he was a significant contributor to that world, he asked himself an important question: is my design good design?
Source: ‘Dieter Rams: Ten Principles For Good Design’ by Shuffle | Readymag
Ryogo Toyoda / 3D illustrator based on Tokyo, Japan
You will become a self-Echo in real particles.
Source: Animals on Behance
Artist Turns His Breakfast Eggs Into Works Of Art, And The Result Is Amazing
These days food is a quite popular object to photograph – Instagram and Facebook are full of people sharing their meals every day. Michele Baldini from Mexico is one of those guys who shares his breakfast with the world, the only difference is that there’s no doubt his account is worth a follow!The food artist uses only eggs to create amazing things with his spatula – from pop culture references and landscapes to recreations of famous artworks, such as Van Gogh’s “Starry Night.” Scroll down for, as the artist says himself, a life-changing eggsperience!
Source: Artist Turns His Breakfast Eggs Into Works Of Art, And The Result Is Amazing | Bored Panda
Weekly Inspiration for Designers #135
Stunning Futuristic Concept Bikes
Source: Colorglyph
Brandon J Barber
A Programmer with a demonstrated history of working in the computer software industry. Skilled in Javascript, Java, nodejs, Objective-C, C.
Source: Brandon J Barber
Evoulve is a digital technology innovation Company. We focus on designing innovations in digital technology industry, and transform emerging ideas into viable products that move the digital industry forward.
Source: Evoulve
UI Interactions of the week #106
‘20 Most Important Inventions of All Time’ by Anton Repponen
Conceptual Illustrations – GZH Product Design
These are some illustrations that I made for GZH website product design. The articles was written by famous Dráuzio Varella, and theyare impacting and inspiring the people about medicine and health.
Source: Conceptual Illustrations – GZH Product Design on Behance
Awwwards Berlin: it’s time to vote
New Sculptures by Ben Young Transform Hand-Cut Glass into Aquatic Landscapes
Ben Young (previously here) continues to use exquisite manual techniques to transform sheets of glass into luminous sculptures that give a glimpse into a moment in time or space. The artist envisions, hand-cuts, and carefully constructs layers of glass to evoke water, often offset with organically-s
Source: New Sculptures by Ben Young Transform Hand-Cut Glass into Aquatic Landscapes | Colossal
Rudolf’s Rooftop Rampage
A Message from Earth
A Message from Earth is a celebration of the Voyager Golden Record in its 40th year, featuring contributions from 40+ people influenced by the original.
Source: A Message from Earth
Gucci Gift 2017
Source: Gucci Gift 2017 – Women
Holiday Binge Challenge
Athletes, assemble! Choose your endurance level, then we’ll task you with a show to binge. Do you have the heart of a champion? Can you cross that finish line and bring home the gold?
Source: Holiday Binge Challenge
Source: PROGNOZA on Behance
CSS Glitch Effect
An experimental glitch effect powered by CSS animations and the clip-path property. Inspired by the technique seen on the speakers page of the 404 conference.
Source: CSS Glitch Effect | Codrops
Source: Hiiistory
Christmas Experiments
An advent calendar made by digital artists. One day, one experiment.
Source: Christmas Experiments
UPS Delivery Day Game
Play Delivery Day – you’re a UPS driver for the day, sorting and delivering as many parcels as you can with extra help from UPS MyChoice® and UPS Access Point™
Source: UPS Delivery Day Game
Grand Chamaco
81.5k Followers, 410 Following, 1,020 Posts – See Instagram photos and videos from Grand Chamaco (@grand_chamaco)
Source: Grand Chamaco (@grand_chamaco) • Instagram photos and videos
Magic Leap
Source: Welcome | Magic Leap
Weekly Inspiration for Designers #134
Robot Food raises a glass to Christmas with its own branded bottles of fizz
Leeds agency raises a glass to Christmas with its own branded bottles of fizz.
Source: Robot Food raises a glass to Christmas with its own branded bottles of fizz | Creative Boom
Design Lad
Source: Work – Design Lad
Striking Silverware Animal Assemblages by Matt Wilson
South-Carolina based artist Matt Wilson brings old silverware to life in his bent and welded sculptures of birds and other wildlife. Fastened to pieces of driftwood or mounted to segments of old lumber, the pieces seem to capture the lifelike essence of the robins, owls, and sea creatures they repre
Source: Striking Silverware Animal Assemblages by Matt Wilson | Colossal
Amazon.co.uk: Low Prices in Electronics, Books, Sports Equipment & more
Sign up to Amazon Prime for unlimited One-Day Delivery. Low prices at Amazon on digital cameras, MP3, sports, books, music, DVDs, video games, home & garden and much more.
Source: Amazon.co.uk: Low Prices in Electronics, Books, Sports Equipment & more
InVision Design Forward Fund | Investing in the future of design.
A $5 million fund dedicated to investing in the future of design. InVision is offering grants, equity investments, and unique partnership opportunities.
Source: InVision Design Forward Fund | Investing in the future of design.
UI Interactions of the week #105
Clever Brand Identity For European Space Agency
Weihnachten 2017 – Netzbewegung
…and a happy New Year und singt für euch. Aber nur, wenn ihr Santas Wagen richtig steuert. Los geht’s, let us sing.
Source: Weihnachten 2017 – Netzbewegung
Gabriel Dishaw
13.3k Followers, 3,936 Following, 2,704 Posts – See Instagram photos and videos from Gabriel Dishaw (@gabrieljunkart)
Source: Gabriel Dishaw (@gabrieljunkart) • Instagram photos and videos
Red Collar. Meet our team.
Source: Red Collar. Meet our team.
Source: NINJA TUNE 2017
Millennials Are Screwed
TWITTER FACEBOOK SUBSCRIBE Why millennials are facing the scariest financial future of any generation since the Great Depression.BY MICHAEL HOBBESLike everyone in my generation, I am finding it increasingly difficult not to be scared about the future and angry about the past.I am 35 years old—the oldest millennial, the first millennial—and for a decade now, I’ve been waiting for adulthood to kick in. My rent consumes nearly half my income, I haven’t had a steady job since Pluto was a planet and my savings are dwindling faster than the ice caps the baby boomers melted.WHAT’S A MILLENNIAL ANYWAY?Unless otherwise noted, we mean anyone born between 1982 and 2004We’ve all heard the statistics. More millennials live with their parents than with roommates. We are delaying partner-marrying and house-buying and kid-having for longer than any previous generation. And, according to The Olds, our problems are all our fault: We got the wrong degree. We spend money we don’t have on things we don’t need. We still haven’t learned to code. We killed cereal and department stores and golf and napkins and lunch. Mention “millennial” to anyone over 40 and the word “entitlement” will come back at you within seconds, our own intergenerational game of Marco Polo.This is what it feels like to be young now. Not only are we screwed, but we have to listen to lectures about our laziness and our participation trophies from the people who screwed us.But generalizations about millennials, like those about any other arbitrarily defined group of 75 million people, fall apart under the slightest scrutiny. Contrary to the cliché, the vast majority of millennials did not go to college, do not work as baristas and cannot lean on their parents for help. Every stereotype of our generation applies only to the tiniest, richest, whitest sliver of young people. And the circumstances we live in are more dire than most people realize.Source: The College Board, Trends in Student Aid 2013. Calculations based on average per-student borrowing in 1980 and 2010.Source: U.S. Census, young adults ages 24-35.Source: U.S. Census, young adults ages 18-34.
Dribbble Trend — Mondrianizm
Ben Mingo — Interactive & Graphic Designer
Atacac – 2017 Yearbook
We summarize the year of 2017 with this never ending rotating experience.
Source: Atacac – 2017 Yearbook
Resn’s Little Helper
Resn brings you the real origin story of the season. Happy Holidays!
Source: Resn’s Little Helper
Design Principles
Source: Design Principles
Walking Men
Source: Walking Men
Your space. Redspace.
Designed from the inside out. By providing a space for daily lifestyle needs, Redspace enables commuters to reclaim time otherwise wasted in conventional vehicles.
Source: Your space. Redspace.