HP Magic Words

Só no Brasil, ainda existem mais de 13 milhões de analfabetos. Viajamos o país inteiro atrás dessas pessoas e suas histórias e imprimimos, uma a uma, por comando de voz, em tempo real. Como mágica. Foram 4.500 páginas, que renderam uma tiragem de 25 livros. Tudo isso, com apenas uma multifuncional HP e o kit de cartuchos de ultra rendimento que vem na caixa da impressora.

Source: HP | Magic Words

Spiked Sculptures by Matthew Shlian Create Angular Geometry from Folded Paper

Paper engineer Matthew Shlian (previously here and here) combines intricate geometric tessellations with exact folds and creases to form bas-relief sculptures. Shlian has been crafting his paper artworks for several years. In recent sculptures the artist has introduced a vibrant color palette that s

Source: Spiked Sculptures by Matthew Shlian Create Angular Geometry from Folded Paper | Colossal

New Synchronized Photographs of Swimmers by Mária Švarbová 

New photographs from Slovakian artist Mária Švarbová (previously) continue her exploration of strangely melancholy poolside scenes. Coolly detached young swimmers in matching outfits are frozen in synchronized positions, a surprising diversion from the usual youthful exuberance of kids in pools. A s

Source: New Synchronized Photographs of Swimmers by Mária Švarbová | Colossal

Mexican Paintings, Lowriders, and Nachos Transformed into Piñata-Inspired Sculptures by Justin Favela 

Justin Favela creates colorful artworks that center around his identity as a queer Latinx artist living in the Southwestern United States. The artist’s piñata-inspired pieces reference his Mexican and Guatemalan heritage and explore elements associated with his family, pop culture, food dishes, and

Source: Mexican Paintings, Lowriders, and Nachos Transformed into Piñata-Inspired Sculptures by Justin Favela | Colossal


arche’s ongoing revolution. ARCHE68? In 2018, arche will celebrate its 50th anniversary without candles or nostalgia. Instead, it will kindle the flame of imagination, in a spirit and with a programme that pay tribute to nonconformist idea(l)s.

Source: ARCHE68