Dose of exceptional illustrations by Eiko Ojala for Herman Miller magazine.
Author: Eyal Zuri
Google Terminal
Source: Google Terminal
Watch The Next Web’s Vine, “There’s an app for that… 1980’s vs. 2015
Portrait of Vladimir Putin Made of 5000 Bullet Cases
A travers un tableau intitulé The Face of War, l’artiste ukrainienne Dariya Marchenko a voulu représenter le président russe Vladimir Poutine avec un v
Source: Portrait of Vladimir Putin Made of 5000 Bullet Cases
Unsplash It
Source: Unsplash It
Street Artist Creates Donkey Kong-Themed Mural In Paris
Build a Fully Functional Wooden Mouse
Pop Culture Crochet Characters
L’artiste se cachant sous le nom de The Geeky Hooker, réalise d’adorables petites figurines crochetées de personnages issus de la Pop Culture tel
Source: Pop Culture Crochet Characters
Cat vs ball of wool
Source: CodePen – Cat vs ball of wool
Silhouette Experimental Typography
This is what The Grid’s ‘AI’ website builder looks like
Will websites eventually build themselves? A look at the first “AI” website builder, designed to make building a website easier.
Source: This is what The Grid’s ‘AI’ website builder looks like
Lois Jeans | Spring-Summer 2015
Source: Lois Jeans | Spring-Summer 2015
The Life in Silicon Valley During the Digital Revolution
Doug Menuez est le photographe à l’origine du livre-documentaire Fearless Genius: The Digital Revolution in Silicon Valley 1985-2000, édité récemment
Source: The Life in Silicon Valley During the Digital Revolution – Fubiz Media
Angry Birds 2 – Bigger. Badder. Birdier. (Official Launch Trailer)
Russian Photographers Show How Birds See Our World And It’ll Leave You Breathless
If you dream of travelling the world and seeing it all from a bird’s-eye view, these sweeping, epic panoramic photos by AirPano might be one of the best ways to do it. This team of Russian photographers and specialists travels the world to take stunning aerial photos of the world’s most beautiful locations.
Source: Russian Photographers Show How Birds See Our World And It’ll Leave You Breathless | Bored Panda