Artist Draws Fantastical Creatures Interacting with Commuters on NYC Subway 

Riding on the subway every day might seem like it’d get old, but artist Ben Rubin keeps a fresh perspective with his imaginative series Subway Doodle. The ongoing project features snapshots of New York City train cars and passengers with a fantastical twist—Rubin adds his own characters into the scenes as they “interact” with real-world surroundings in both amusing and mischievous ways. The larger-than-life creatures hang on sleepy riders, sneak sips of coffee, and of course, are similarly engrossed in their phones.Subway Doodle begins while Rubin is en route to a destination—it’s how the series was first born. “I started sketching on my iPad during my commute just to pass the time. One day I took a picture with my iPad on the train and drew over the picture,” he explained to Odyssey. “It was fun so I did another. And another. Then it just kind of continued from there.”Years after beginning the project, Rubin continues to regularly post illustrations. Follow his Instagram to what’s…

Source: Artist Draws Fantastical Creatures Interacting with Commuters on NYC Subway – My Modern Met